Terms and Conditions

The challenge is committed to fostering an inclusive, fair, and impactful competition. The rules outlined below are designed to ensure that all participants have a clear understanding of what is expected and to create an environment conducive to innovation and collaboration.

1. Eligibility

The competition is open to all individuals and teams, regardless of their academic, professional, or geographical background. We encourage diversity in participation to foster a wide range of perspectives and solutions. To be eligible for prizes, winning teams are required to share their methods, code, and models with the organizers as well as the names and associations of each team member.

This competition is public, but the competition committee approves each user’s request to participate and may elect to disallow participation according to its own considerations. For example, The organizers, their students, close family members(parents, spouse or children) , as well as any person having had access to the truth values or to any information about the data or the Competition design giving him (or her) an unfair advantage are excluded from participation.

If you are entering as a representative of a company, educational institution, or other legal entity, or on behalf of your employer, these rules are binding for you individually and/or for the entity you represent or are an employee of. If you are acting within the scope of your employment as an employee, contractor, or agent of another party, you affirm that such party has full knowledge of your actions and has consented thereof, including your potential receipt of a prize. You further affirm that your actions do not violate your employer’s or entity’s policies and procedures.

2. Registration and Teams

All participants must register on codabench before the deadline. Registration is free but required to access the datasets and starting kit. Each participant must join one and only one team. The maximum number of participants in each team is up to 5. Team formation requests will not be permitted after the date specified on the competition website. The total submissions of all the participants in a team must be less than or equal to the maximum number allowed for a team.

3. Submission Guidelines

Participants must submit their results, through the designated submission platform by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be considered for evaluation. The top teams on the leaderboard will be required to submit their source code for the final evaluation.

4. Data

(1) Data Access and Use

  • Data Access: The provided datasets are available from the Competition Website for the purpose of use in the Competition, including any prototype or executable code provided on the Competition Website. The Competition Data will contain private and public test sets. Which data belongs to which set will not be made available to participants. It’s forbidden to use a new dataset other than the data provided by the competition organizers to develop and test your algorithm and submissions.
  • Usage Scope: You may access and use the Competition Data for non-commercial purposes only, including for participating in the Competition and for academic research and education.
  • Violation Handling: The Competition Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any participant who uses the Competition Data other than as permitted by the Competition Website and these Rules.

(2) Data Security

  • Security Measures: You agree to use reasonable and suitable measures to prevent persons who have not formally agreed to these Rules from gaining access to the Competition Data.
  • Data Sharing Restrictions: You agree not to transmit, duplicate, publish, redistribute, or otherwise provide or make available the Competition Data to any party not participating in the Competition.

(3) Data Terms

The Competition Data is also subject to the following terms and conditions: CC BY-NC 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International). To the extent that the terms and conditions located at the URL conflict with or are inconsistent with these Rules, these Rules will govern your use of the Competition Data.

5. Original Work

All submissions must be the original work of the participants. Plagiarism or the use of unauthorized materials will result in disqualification.

6. Publication of Results

The organizers reserve the right to publish the results of the competition, including the names and affiliations of winners. Participants must agree to the publication of their results as a condition of entry.

7. Prize Requirements

The prize winner must agree to submit and deliver a technical presentation of their solution to the competition organizer. The prize winner must deliver to the competition organizer the software and data created for the purpose of the competition and used to generate the winning submission and associated documentation written in English. The delivered software and data must be capable of regenerating the winning submission and contain a description of the resources required to build and run the regenerated submission successfully. The prize winner shall sign and return all prize acceptance documents requested by the competition organizer.

8. Integrity and Fraud Prevention

In our commitment to maintaining competition integrity and deterring cheating via fraudulent accounts, participants with notably high leaderboard scores will be contacted. We'll request code files for result replication. If the provided code fails to reproduce the leaderboard score or if code files aren't received within 24 hours of notification, the respective score will be voided and a warning issued.

9. Changes

We may update the terms from time to time for personal, operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

Contact us

For more information about our privacy practices or if you have questions, please contact us by email at zhoumin27@huawei.com.